Picture of Rock Brasiliano

Rock Brasiliano (17th century)

Seventeenth century Dutch pirate. Also known as Roche Brasiliano. Esquemeling informs us that the he was born in the city of Groningen and originally lived in a Dutch settlement that was established there by the Dutch West Indies Company in Brazil. When the dutch colonies were retaken in the period 1650-1655 by the Portuguese he was forced to leave (The Dutch Republic could no longer send aid to these colonies because they became involved in a war with Great-Britain, the "First English War").

When Brasiliano arrived in Jamaica he became a pirate. His last name is a reminder of the years he had spent in Brasil. Esquemeling mentions some of his exploits in his book The Buccaneers of America on pages 52 to 55. From this account Brasiliano appears to have been a very successful, but also a very cruel pirate.

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