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Privateers and Pirates

ALe: Diego El Mulato

ALf: Daniel Elfrith
Since 1607 in the West Indies active as a privateer in the service of the Earl of Warwick. Elfrith commanded the ship Treasurer. He tried to convert the colony of Virginia into a privateering base in 1618 and 1619. From 1631 - 1638 he was the admiral of the military forces on the English colony Providence Island. Elfrith commanded the Black Rock fort on the Island from 1632 - 1638.
In 1631 he attacked and captured a Spanish frigate in the Cape Gracias a Dios. He left a pinnace behind when he returned to Providence Island. His attack was an act of Piracy since he did not have a letter of marque from the Providence Island Company. This action was condemned by the colonists since it made the colony seem to be a base for privateering, which it was not (at that time). In the same year he met the Dutch privateer Diego El Mulato. From 1636 to 1641 he was a privateer again, this time with a letter of marque of the PIC.

ALh: Cornelis Evertsen jr.

ALj: Cornelis Evertsen sr. (±1610 - 1666)
Uncle of Cornelis Evertsen jr. Fought against the privateers of Duinkerken. He fought against the English during the first English war (1652 - 1654, the Dutch Republic against England) and was promoted to rear-adimral. In 1664 he became Vice-Admiral and in 1665 lieutenant- Admiral of Zeeland. He died in battle against England during the second Englisg War (1665 - 1667).

AM: Johan Evertsen
The commander Johan Evertsen (1600 - 1666) was one of the few who was able to gain a significant victory against the Spanish privateers that operated from the city of Duinkerken. On 18 February 1636 he his squadron of three vessels engaged 4 ships from Duinkerken. These were commanded by the famous privateer Jacques Colaert. Two of the four ships were sunk as a result of the battle and Colaert was taken prisoner together with over two hundred of his men. A third ship managed to get away due to a calm. Evertsen lost 48 men and 50 of his men got wounded. Evertsen and the captains of the three ships received a golden medal of the Admiralty of Zeeland for this victory. In 1647 Evertsen was awarded a silver plate commemorating this victory over the privateer Colaert.

AMa: Alexander Oliver Exquemelin

AMa: Peter Francis
Also called Pierre François. 17th Century buccaneer who is mentioned in the book The Buccaneers of America by John Esquemeling on pages 48 and 49. He attempted to capture the Spanish pearl fleet but he failed and was captured.

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