Michiel Dorne (Seventeenth Century)
Dutch privateer who sailed from Duinkerken in the service of Spain. On 18
February 1638 he left from Duinkerken to La Coruña with 12 galleons, drie
Spanish pinasses and 5 transport vessels. Unfortunately, he was immediately
spotted and attacked by a Dutch fleet of 11 ships under the command of
Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp. This fleet had been
waiting for any privateers from Duinkerken. Michiel Dorne attacked the
enemy fleet at once, but after a long battle (5 hours) he was forced to
flee. He was able to bring the transport vessels back to the harbour of
Duinkerken, but he lost two of his galleons, under the command of Mény
and Petit. Another ship of his, commanded by his Vice-Admiral Matthieu
Rombouts got stuck on a sand bank. After setting fire to the ship, it's
crew escaped in small boats. Later on he was more succesful, though.
On 21 October 1639 he was active in the battle at the Downs (= Duins). Dorne commanded
the San Salvador and Rombouts the Nuestra Señora de Monteagudo.
During the battle at Duins he was able to releave the ship commanded by
the Spanish Admiral Oquendo that was attcked by 10 Dutch ships at the same
time. Only Dorne's squadron managed to escape the destruction of the
Spanish fleet. On 27 September 1639 he managed to get past the Dutch fleet
that was blocking the harbour of Duinkerken. He brought with him the
wounded and sick from Oquendo's fleet.
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For this text I drew heavily on:
- Vrijman, L.C.
- Kaapvaart en zeeroverij / L.C. Vrijman. - Amsterdam, [1938]